of love
This animosity with light
We have
long been waiting for he winds of peace to blow.
Hatred has burned every flower in this
Everyone is moving on their way.
hands and walking the path seem too difficult.
Is it so difficult to even gaze someone with
Oh my lord! Rain your blessing’s
upon us.
To clear the hearts from the dust
The blood in your veins in my veins is all the
Its red it boils
It erupts
Yet it is the same.
We have
made our hearts so barren the soil gets so hardened
We have had enough
Stared in each
other eyes make each other’s blood boil
have we got?
Nothing except War, bloodshed and destruction
Divided into
thousand small particles we have tangled severely
Would somebody come out from the
outer world???
NO. Nobody would come.
This we have to entangle ourselves....
Let we take a step forward
Let you take a step forward
When these
steps will be moved forward then it will create a journey
A destination will be set the caravan will move forward
Let it be forgotten that has been done
Let us be like fresh air that spreads everywhere
Step ahead shake hands so the hearts will beat
in unison
The eyes will meet
eyes and this will make life worthwhile
A drop can make an ocean if gathered in millions
And when
the young ones will talk of peace
The darkness will turn into light
The message
of love will commence the journey of peace and love.
Written by
Muhammad Uzair Niazi.
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